Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 6, 2013

This just keeps getting better.

Tarrant County women have been all over the news for the past 24 hours.  Wendy Davis getting a shout out by Twitter from the President, Dr. Ann Sutherland getting bullied by the Fort Worth School Board and now little Miss Mary Kelleher taking on the water board.  For THE PEOPLE. 

What is it they don't want YOU to see?

WHY do they want to keep HER out?

Both Breitbart and Durango broke the news today on the exchange between Director Kelleher and Manager, Jim Oliver.  Read them both.  They are riveting.  One details the meeting.  The other is a copy of the letter Director Kelleher wrote in response to the altercation. Read it, then call the Water Board.  Or email Breitbart.  Heck, even write some more to the only paper in town not talking about the "news".  Better yet, show up at the next board meeting.  Come early, parking and seats are going fast.

In light of these repeated outbursts, in my view, the District should consider whether it is appropriate for you to continue in your current position and/or whether you should be required to take anger management training.

Kelleher immediately asserted her stance, calling for transparency at her swearing-in on June 18, demanding independent audits of District finances and for strict adherence to the Texas Open Meetings Act (violations of which the District is being sued for). This comes on top of her criticism of the District’s judgment in pursuing an ill-advised attempt to siphon water from Oklahoma, for which it was roundly humiliated by a unanimous Supreme Court ruling earlier this month (following a summary judgment at the state level that was affirmed by the district court). The project cost taxpayers $5 million.

Attorneys familiar with Texas’ Open Records Act believe Kelleher, as a duly elected District official, has the right to access all records and need not do so through the procedures outlined in the Open Records Act. She certainly does not need to do so through Oliver, whether as public official or member of the public. The law clearly states that such requests would go through Information Officer King, and that if Oliver was even appointed as Information Officer, he would be required to complete Open Records Training – which he apparently requires in any event.

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